Sunday, March 21, 2004

Some Respect to Pay

The pressure is up for two candidates of the future president of the USA. Who will win the election, Bush or Kerry? I just love reading articles about their campaigns, they're really supportive. When Kerry won his Super Tuesday Bush congratulated him in person. And what is good from them is that they don't stab from the back. And no corruptions. I found a funny comment about the two candidates that shows how different the two of them. According to German Stern magazine, Bush, likes to cite from the bible, Kerry reads Pablo Neruda (impressive...); Bush reads local novels (you know, when I read that the first thing that came to my mind was he read Danielle Steel's novels hahaha remember, America reads Danielle Steels), Kerry loves Shakespeare; Bush never reads newspapers and proud of it (you what?!), Kerry reads Le Monde (impressive impressive). Oh Laura, we're really worried about George hahaha!!! I've just found out from Ireng today that there is a chance The Passion of The Christ is not going to be played on cinemas. I knew it! I knew it! You'd like to know the reasons if it turns out to be true? Well, 1. Too sadistic. Oh come on, I don't believe it! I bet Kill Bill is twice more gory and sadistic than this movie. Besides, Indonesian loves sadistic things, what do you have to be afraid at? Pisses me off. 2.The most ridiculous one, that the movie puts Jews in a very bad position (cos they were the ones who wanted Him to be crossed. bottom line is that, they were the ones who were responsible for His death. The Jews protested but whatcha gonna do with that? It's obviously a true story. It can't be made up for some reasons!) oh give me a break, since when this country took a great deal of defending the Jews or Israel? Puhleeesss.... This is really not fair. I'm afraid the reason why Prince of Egypt couldn't be played on cinemas happen to this movie too. An ulema thinks that Prince of Egypt's story disgraces a belief. Talk about toleration and respect between religions, eh? *sigh* I really hope this movie could be played. I want to watch it in the cinema. But most of all, I want this country to have some respect in freedom of holding a belief.

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