Saturday, October 09, 2004

A Fortune Teller Told My Mum

Today when I was ironing my shirts (ideas often come up in those odd moments) I realized how people just love asking fortune-tellers about their future. I don't believe in fortune-telling although some people still go to fortune-tellers to 'consult' sometimes. I'm talking about those fortune-tellers who use cards, books, etc to see your future. The birth of a child, the death of someone, business, marriage, career, love and many more. In fact, you can ask EVERYTHING!
My mum once went to one. I have no idea what drove her to do that. I myself really against her going to a fortune teller and I against her more when I found out that she was asking about my future to that fortune teller! Not only my future but it was also about my past. Some reincarnation. And what did my mum ask about? "I'd love to know about her love life." What?! You can't just believe in this thing. I always doubt the accuracy.
Sometimes I wonder, are what their sayings true? Are they really gifted to see someone else's future? When you go to a fortune-teller and he/she tells you about your future and when his/her prediction is right and it does happen to you one day, will you still believe in fortune-teller? My friends has gone to many fortune-tellers and some of them did say the same thing, but some said the contradicts. Which one to believe? It's up to her, which sayings would she like to believe? For me, going to fortune-teller is useless, when it's good, you keep hoping for it to happen, when it's bad, it haunts you forever. The reason why I don't believe in fortune-tellers is it's God and God only who knows what my future is like. And besides, your life is not written in a book, or cards, or some crystal balls. One thing for sure, if you ever go there, it could change the way you see your life, right at that moment when the fortune-teller finishes his/her sentences.

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